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Pinafore dress for newbornsBaby Pinafore with Ruffles (Newborn)
 Copyright 2007 Maxine Gonser

3oz sport yarn H hook
7 sts =2 inchs 2 dc rows = 1inch

1) ch 52. sc in each ch to end . (51 sts)
2) ch 3. turn . dc in each of the next 2 sts *2 dc in the next st. dc in the next 3 sts. repeat from * 11 times. dc in each remaining st. (63 sts)

3) ch 3 turn. dc in next 2 dc. * 2 dc in next dc. dc in next 3 dc. repeat from * 14 times. dc in each remaining st. dc on top of ch 3 (78sts)

4) ch 3. turn. dc in next 3 dc. * 2dc in next st.dc in next 4 dc. repeat from * 14 times. dc in each remaining st. dc on top of ch 3 (93 sts)

5) ch 3 . turn. dc in same st. * ch 1, skip next st. dc in next st. . repeat from * until end 2dc on top of ch 3 (46 ch 1 spaces)

6) ch 3. turn .dc in the same st. dc in next 13 sts and spaces. ch 3 . skip next 10 spaces . dc in next 27
sts and spaces.  ch 3. skip next 10 spaces. dc in last 13 st and spaces. 2 dc on top of ch 3 (63 sts)

7) ch 3 . turn. dc in same st. dc in next st and in each st and ch to end. 2dc on top of ch 3 (65 sts) 

8) ch 3. turn. dc in same st.  skip 1 st. * make shell (2dc ch 2 2dc) in next st. skip 2 sts. repeat from*
until end. skip 1 st . 2dc on top of ch 3 (21 shells)

9) ch 3. turn. dc in same st. shell in each shell until end. 2dc on top of ch 3.

10-17) repeat row 9

18) ch 3. turn. sc in space before 3dc shell.* 5dc in center st of shell. sc in space between shells. repeat from * until end. sc in space after last shell. 2dc on top of turning ch

ruffle at bottom. in 5th row. with rt side facing. sc in second dc post.* 5dc in next dc in next dc post. repeat to end . ending with sc in second to last dc post. (23 shells)

You can sc in the ends of the rows ,up the back, having 3 ch 2 loops for buttonholes on the left side. and sc across the neckline and down the other side. or you can just use the ends of the rows as button holes.

(Notes by BEV...  I did my ruffle at the bottom in white for the mint pinafore.  I also sc in white all around the sides and over neck etc... did 2 button holes. The white at the top across the bodice I joined the yarn on the left in row 5 with a sc, *ch 5, skip to the next dc and sc in it.  Repeat from * across.)

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