    This is a family safe search!

Making items in advance
In the coming months there will be many needs for the people who have been relocated.  Many local charities will be accepting warm items, blankets, mittens, hats and so forth.  Meanwhile, we need to be making and putting such items away for the time when we will have legitimate places to take them or send them.  Quilts will be needed, so be sure if you are a quilter, to cut squares or piece together quilts of all sizes.

You can also make such items now and mail them to LDS Humanitarian who continually distribute such items as needed.  The address is listed on my page linked above. They accept items year round and have an incredibly efficient system in place to distribute items quickly.

Immediately needed are HYGIENE KITS as those are being sent out currently, along with newborn kits.

    Hurricane background photo courtesy

    All Bev's Country Cottage pages Copyright 2004 Beverly A. Qualheim - All Rights Reserved.

    All content is copyrighted to original creators. You may print out copies of pages for you, or for charity groups as long as credit is given to the copyright holders and Bev's Country Publishing content on other websites, in emails, mailing lists, in any print media, OR the selling of these patterns, or items made from them, IS FORBIDDEN!  Direct linking to a pattern or recipe is allowed.