Quotes by Elder Neil A. Maxwell
July 6, 1926 - July 21, 2004

***  "O' Divine Redeemer"  - Awesome talk about Jesus Christ, given by Elder Maxwell, October 1981 General Conference.


"I thank the Father that His Only Begotten Son did not say in defiant protest at Calvary, "My body is my own!" I stand in admiration of women today who resist the "fashion of abortion, by refusing to make the sacred womb a tomb!"

"If the nearly one-and-a-half million babies aborted in America each year could, somehow, vote, chameleon candidates would find fresh reason to be concerned about abortion, whereas now they are unconcerned."

"Ironically, as some people become harder, they use softer words to describe dark deeds. This, too, is part of being sedated by secularism. Needless abortion, for instance, is a "reproductive health procedure, . . ." "Illegitimacy" gives way to the wholly sanitized words "non-marital birth" or "alternative parenting."

"When we don't like to face up to hard facts, we use soft words. We do not speak about killing a baby within the womb, but about "termination of potential life." Words are often multiplied to try to cover dark deeds."

"Do not reflect on the practicality of gospel standards such as abstaining from alcohol; for if you do, a surf of statistics will wash over you, confirming that abstinence is ultimately the only cure for alcoholism that is both preventive and redemptive" From  "Why Not Now"  1974

"One day the faithful will have it all!"

"If you have not chosen the kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead."

"Don't fear, just live right."

Government Programs
.You will also see that the living of one protective principle of the gospel is better than a thousand compensatory governmental programs—which programs are, so often, like “straightening deck chairs on the Titanic.”  From  "Why Not Now"  1974

Improving Ourselves
It is our job to lift others up, not to size them up."

“God does not begin by asking our ability, only our availability,and if we prove our dependability,He will increase our capability.”

“If we entertain temptations, soon they begin entertaining us!”

Do not let the future be held hostage by the past."

"To be cheerful when others are in despair, to keep the faith when others falter, to be true even when we feel forsaken - all of these are deeply desired outcomes during the deliberate, divine tutorials which God gives to us - because he love us."

"Anger should never be an overnight guest. "

“If the choice is between reforming another Church member or ourselves, is there really any question about where we should begin?  The key is to keep our eyes wide open to our own faults and partially closed to the faults of others – not the other way around.”

“It is extremely important for you to believe in yourselves not only for what you are now but for what you have the power to become. Trust in the Lord as He leads you along. He has things for you to do that you won't know about now but that will unfold later. If you stay close to Him, You will have some great adventures. You will live in a time where instead of sometimes being fulfilled, many of them will actually be fulfilled. The Lord will unfold your future bit by bit.”

All crosses are easier to carry when we keep moving."

"Men's and nations' finest hour consist of those moments when extraordinary challenge is met by extraordinary response. Hence in those darkest hours, we must light our individual candles rather than vying with others to call attention to the enveloping darkness. Our indignation about injustice should lead to illumination, for if it does not, we are only adding to the despair-and the moment of gravest danger is when there is so little light that darkness seems normal!"

" At the center of our agency is our freedom to form a healthy attitude toward whatever circumstances we are placed in!"

"Your task is to conquer yourselves, not ships, lands and castles. This battle is the one in which you especially are to 'come off conqueror.' It is fought every day. In fact, it is a continuing process which commenced a long, long time ago."

" Therefore, as we strive to become as the Father is and as Jesus is, we are to become more gracious and merciful, more kind and considerate. Even more, we are to do this in a world which does little to encourage such qualities of character."

"When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men of the peacemaking of women in home and in neighborhoods? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses? When the surf of the centuries has made the great pyramids so much sand, the everlasting family will still be standing, because it is a celestial institution, formed outside telestial time."

“Patience permits us to cling to our faith in the Lord when we are tossed about by suffering as if by surf. When the undertow grasps us we will realize that we are somehow being carried forward even as we tumble. We are actually being -helped even as we cry for help.”

The Gospel/ The Church
"Those who turn against the Church do so to play to their own private gallery, but when, one day, the applause has died down and the cheering has stopped, they will face a smaller audience, the judgment bar of God."

"Those few members who desert the cause are abandoning an oasis to search for water in the desert."

"Of all the errors one could make, God's gospel plan is the wrong thing to be wrong about."

The Last Days
"The last days will certainly be more challenging to young disciples than simply coping with sharp economic downturns. In these, your days, 'the love of many shall wax cold,' resulting in various and serious social consequences (Matthew 24:12). Widespread despair caused by iniquity is prophesied too (see Moroni 10:22). Hence, you need to keep the two great commandments so that those two lamentable conditions do not characterize you."




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