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Small business ADVERTISING at Bev's Country Cottage

Thank you for contacting Bev's Country for information on our Advertising Opportunities for your cottage industry!

Advertising will be accepted for any product or service we believe benefits our readers and fits within their interests.
We reserve the right to reject any advertisement. 

With minimal cost you can reach the 1000's of knitters and crocheters/crafters who visit Bev's Country Cottage every day!
Advertising at Bev's is not only inexpensive but it's constant (24 hours a day - 7 days a week)!

Our rates are as follows:

Ad Level Details Rate
text ad
One YEAR  (12) months on 2 pages of your choosing 
$100 for up to 25 words
One YEAR (12) months on 2 pages of your choosing $150 for a 234x60 horizontal banner ad
JPG or GIF format

NEW Prices effective January 1, 2017
Currently receiving between 75,000 and 1,250,000 hits per month

Advertising Guidelines- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

1. Color or black/white is acceptable,NOTE!!!!   but we do NOT accept 'underlined text ads', 3rd party ads, animated graphics nor any kind of pop-ups.

2. Please remember we are a crocheting, knitting, sewing, crafts, fiber, cooking, family, website... and we accept only ads pertaining to those areas!
* You must create your own banner ad to email us.

3. Any changes after initial posting for either text or banner ads are subject to a $25 fee within the 12 month term.

4. Ads will appear on a page in the order they are received.

5. Most Ad placements will be under the main content of each page.

6. Ad fees are non-refundable, no matter what!

7.  All Ads must be paid in full when submitting the Ad. Our preferred method of payment is Paypal. 

~ Contact Bev Qualheim today for payment details and information. (Please type "Ad at Bev's" in subject line) ~


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